Known to the early settlers as Beaver Creek, Nathan Creek is still commonly referred to as such, particularly in the Bradner area. In 1914 a decision was made in Victoria to change the name to Nathan Creek. This was to commemorate Henry Nathan who pre-empted land at the mouth of the creek in 1875. There does not appear to be any further record of Henry Nathan as a settler in this area. In 1939 the Geographic Board of Canada confirmed Nathan as the official name.
Originally Nathan Creek flowed several hundred metres east of the present dyke channel and joined the Fraser River through what is now known as Nathan Slough. The creek was diverted and dyked in 1911 – 1912. With the Nathan dyke and the dyke along the Fraser, constructed by the Canadian Northern Railway, much of the fertile natural prairie of Glen Valley has been protected from periodic flooding.
While agriculture established in the lower parts of Nathan (Beaver) Creek the fine stands of timber in the uplands attracted loggers. For many years several sawmills flourished in the Bradner area.
In the past Nathan (Beaver) Creek has provided spawning areas for significant numbers of Coho, Pink, Chum and Steelhead Salmon, as well as Cutthroat and Rainbow Trout. While Chinook salmon are not known to spawn in the system, young Chinook fry from other creeks do use the lower reaches to feed and rest as they venture to the ocean. Chum Salmon are no longer common in the system, and there is evidence that populations of Coho, Steelhead and Rainbow are declining.