Glen Valley Watersheds Society
The area served by the Glen Valley Watersheds Society is a breathtaking mix of scenic farmland, open pastures, wooded bluffs and pristine creeks and wetlands. The area encompasses four watersheds of varying sizes, West, Palmateer, Nathan (Beaver) and Graham Creek.
Nathan Creek originates in the agricultural community of Bradner while West Creek begins near Highway 1 around Gloucester Industrial Estates. Both of these creeks drain north west to the steep ridges and ravines of Glen Valley. The smaller watersheds of Palmateer and Graham Creek begin in the steep ridges that surround Glen Valley. From here all four watersheds meander through low-lying farmlands to the Fraser River.
This area is rich in both natural and human heritage. The woodlands are home to black bear and black tail deer while the abundant wetlands attract both migrating waterfowl like blue winged teal and resident waterfowl like wood ducks and pied-billed grebes. Varied thrush and other song birds feast on berries and insects keeping a wary watch for the presence of a Cooper’s hawk. Northern flying squirrels slide silently through the large tracts of mature forest where pileated woodpeckers hammer away at old snags.
The mixed farmland attracts red tailed hawks and barn owls, while bald eagles flock to the shore line of the Fraser River, especially in winter. In early spring the air is filled with the enchanting chorus of the Pacific chorus frogs. Come fall we hear the noisy chattering of the Douglas squirrel as they prepare their stash of conifer seeds for winter.
Glen Valley and its watersheds is a feast for the senses. The GVWS is a group of volunteers that wish to have a postive impact on this beautiful area. Join us and together we can make a difference in protecting this area into the future.